Provide a professional education that prepares students with competencies and skills to practice effectively in a wide variety of existing and future roles in patient-centered care, research and community services.
Graduate medication therapy experts with knowledge, skills and values to meet health care and professional market requirements.
Provide competent students in pharmacy profession capable of effectively participating in foundational scientific research in the fields of pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences.
Foster values and skills of the graduates that promote collaborations with other health care providers to enhance community services and public health awareness.
Knowledge and Understanding
Recall the scientific knowledge derived from pharmaceutical sciences including natural andsynthetic drugs, pharmacodynamics pharmacokinetic profile, drug formulation and delivery and other disciplines.
- Define scientific information related to biomedical sciences including functions of human body,biological, genetics, biotechnological, microbiological, and other aspects.
- Recognize the basic principles of pharmacy practice involving therapeutics, evidence-based
pharmaceutical care, pharmacy management, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacepidemiology, and other areas. - Recall necessary foundational knowledge of research and administrative skills required in pharmacy profession.
Implement knowledge from the foundational sciences to become a medication therapy expert.
Apply the knowledge derived from different pharmaceutical areas in conducting research studies
in the fields of pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical sciences. -
Utilize evidence-based drug information retrieved from authentic resources to fulfill an appropriate patient centered treatment plan.
Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication and counseling skills when interacting
with patients, healthcare professionals and the public. -
Interpret information obtained from various pharmacy-related resources regarding drug dosing,
clinical pharmacokinetic parameters, and statistical data relevant to pharmacy practice and research. -
Contribute to decision making process by constructing patient-centered evidence-based pharmaceutical care plan and medical recommendations.
Show responsibility and accountability through advocating patients’ right to safe and effective medication use.
Demonstrate leadership abilities through professionalism, self- and time-management, and team work skills that help resolving challenges in the pharmacy profession.
Demonstrate high level of professional and ethical behavior with mutual respect towards patients and other healthcare professionals.
Participate actively in enhancing the health care profession and general public awareness.
Illustrate life-long learning in the field of pharmaceutics, biomedical sciences and pharmacy practice.
Implement in-depth professional knowledge from foundational, pharmaceutical sciences, and pharmacy practice to become a medication therapy expert.
Exhibit professional and ethical responsibilities towards patients and other healthcare professionals in the context of social and cultural norms.
Problem Solving:
Interpret evidence-based information retrieved from scientific literature to provide patient-centered care.
Demonstrate self-responsibility, effective communication skills within a team environment, and leadership.
Information Technology (IT) skills:
Utilize IT and numerical skills relevant to pharmacy practice for optimizing patient- centered treatment plans and lifelong learning.
Research Skills:
Apply scientific research skills in the development of health care and community service.
Honesty, commitment, respect, excellence, innovation and transparency
The admission process is carried out through the Deanship of Admission and Registration, which requires attaining the following conditions:
- The applicant must be a Saudi nathional or born to a Saudi mother.
To be eligible, the applicant must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent from within or outside the Kingdom.
Admission to health specialties requires that the student be a graduate of the same year only.
To be eligible for admission to a chosen specialty, students must meet the medical requirements. If a student is found medically unfit, the admission and registration deanship can either change their acceptance to a suitable specialty or revoke their admission.
The applicant must not be academically or disciplinarily dismissed from KKU or any other Saudi universities.
Upon completion of the first year, students' admission undergoes a reevaluation process. The Pharm.D program specifically mandates a competitive cumulative GPA of 3.75 out of 5 as a prerequisite for continuation.
For more information regarding admission rules and guides, please visit the Deanship of Admission and Registration website.
Enrolment and Graduation Rates