Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The department teaches courses in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. These courses aim to introduce students to the fundamentals of pharmaceutical chemistry and the relationship between the structural composition of drugs and their impact on biological functions. Additionally, they involve studying various qualitative and quantitative analysis methods for pharmaceuticals. The department also focuses on methods for discovering medical drugs and theories related to drug design and targeting.


The College of Pharmacy signs 7 agreements and MoU

During the Pharmacy Career Day 2020, the College of Pharmacy has signed seven agreements and memorandums of understanding with governmental and private sectors, including:


COP initiative for the production of in-house sanitizers

The College of Pharmacy, represented by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, conducted an initiative to produce multi-purpose sanitizers (hand gel and surface sanitizers). Dr. Yahya Muawad, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and supervisor of the initiative, explained that this initiative came from the college's desire to supply the university with some of its needs from sanitizers.

This initiative also aimed to improve students' formulation skills and raise their awareness of volunteering and community service.