College News

Students from the College of Pharmacy at King Khalid…
Students from the College of…
The postgraduate programs offered by colleges are now…
مضادات حيوية بأمان
تعزيزًا لرفع الوعي الصحي والدوائي .. أقام نادي كلية الصيدلة بجامعة الملك خالد بالتعاون مع وكالة عمادةشؤون الطلاب…
The College of Pharmacy signs 7 agreements and MoU

During the Pharmacy Career Day 2020, the College of Pharmacy has signed seven agreements and memorandums of…

Academic advising during the pandemic

College of Pharmacy in collaboration with Counseling and Advising Center and the E-Learning Deanship, is…

COP initiative for the production of in-house sanitizers

The College of Pharmacy, represented by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, conducted an initiative to produce multi-purpose…

"Road to SPLE" is now avialble via KKUx

The College of Pharmacy and KKUx are announcing the release of the preparation course for the Saudi Pharmacist Licensure Examination (SPLE…